How To Have A Lovely Home – 11 Simple Steps To Get A Beautiful Home


Home is a place where you feel safe and can be yourself. You don’t always need the help of an interior designer to have a lovely home. Having a beautiful home can change your mood. I love to watch a lot of DIY so all this decorating inspiration comes from there.

Don’t be scared to try new things and ideas, each time I do DIY I usually don’t copy the exact same thing but I love to improvise and like to get creative with my own imaginary ideas. A clean and tidy home is the basic key to a beautiful house, no matter how many beautiful pictures frames, and beautiful decor you have if your house is messy and dirty it’s gonna look horrible.

11 Simple Steps To Have A Lovely Home

  1. Cleaning
  2. Know how to arrange your furniture pieces
  3. Choose your house paint colors wisely
  4. Take out trash can regularly
  5. Bring’em flowers inside your home
  6. Hang pictures frames where people can see
  7. Make your front door welcoming
  8. Group similar items together
  9. Let the scents calm you: Essential oil
  10. Giveaway unnecessary things
  11. All rooms need to be decorated


“Your home should tell the story of who you are, and be a collection of what you love, brought together under one roof.”

Nate Berkus

1. Cleaning

Clean your house to have a lovely home

A lovely home start with a tidy house. Before you start decorating your home clean it up, remove all the excess clutters. The more clutter in your home the more work you have to do. with Less clutter, you will feel lighter to breathe and more space to roll. According to seasons fill your closets and drawers with clothes and things that you will be needing in that particular season.

2. Know How To Arrange Your Furniture Pieces

Know how to arrange your furniture pieces

Don’t hesitate to reorganize or edit your home. Rearranging is kind of a lot of work when you think about it. However, it is fun and your home will look more spacious and well organized. Plan ahead before you start putting your furniture in places, if you have a small living room it’s gonna be tough but it is easier to decorate compare to those larger living rooms. If you have a small living room while buying furniture go for furniture with clean lines. Start with your larger pieces of furniture first, and follow up with small furniture pieces.

Neutral colors for larger furniture and colorful small furniture will make your home look interesting and beautiful.

3. Choose Your House Paint Colors Wisely

Choose your house paint colors wisely to make a lovely home

Soothing colors may not be on-trend yet soothing colors can improve your mood, energy level, and appetite. So, why not? Paint your walls with soothing colors of your choice that will create a pleasant atmosphere inside your home.

4. Take Out Trash Can Regularly

Take out trash can regularly

Keeping trash inside your house makes your home look dirty and smelly. Don’t always wait for your trash can to get overloaded take them away as soon as possible. Use two types of waste bins in the kitchen one for dry waste and one for wet waste. Taken out your trash can bring you one step closer to a clean and beautiful house.

 “The ultimate luxury is being able to relax and enjoy your home.”

Jeff Lincoln

5. Bring’em Flowers Inside Your Home

lovely home

Flowers are a must if you want your home to look loveable and liveable. Flowers are great for brighten up your mood and lift your spirit, everybody loves natural beauty so what can be a better idea than decorating your home with those beautiful flowers. Many people have started decorating their homes with flower pots not only homes but even hospitals and offices decorated with flowers. As plants and flowers make your home look beautiful and lively. Living plants improve your mood, lower stress levels, purify the air, and absorb harmful gases.

Must have plants inside your house: For healthy living

  • Snake plants
  • Peace Lily
  • Areca Palm
  • Spider Plant
  • Aloe vera
  • Money Plant

6. Hang Pictures Frames Where People Can See

Hang pictures frames where people can see

Pictures are a great way to remind you about the happy moments you had and additionally it express your way of living. Place your beautiful picture frames or your favorite artwork on the wall opposite to where you or people usually sit. For the bedroom, you can hang it right above your bed or opposite your bed.

7. Make Your Front Door Welcoming

Make your front door welcoming to have a lovely home

Without putting much effort you can have a nice looking and welcoming front door. Place a nice doormat in front of your door, glasses on the door are superb as they bring natural lighting into your hallway. Paint your front door with glossy colors so your doors stand out.

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8. Group Similar Items Together

Group similar items together to make a lovely home

Grouping similar items are very helpful as it becomes easier for you to find them when you need them. Additionally, it reduces your workload.

You can keep stacked your books, novels, and magazine on the same shelf.

9. Let The Scents Calm You: Essential Oil

Let the scents calm you Essential oil

As we all know essential oils offer numerous health benefits such as triggering positive responses in the brain. Scents can calm your nervous system, make you feel more energetic, and help you stay focus. Even though scents calming and relaxing you should never leave them on the whole day, as it may cause headaches. Use it for 30 minutes and turn it off. It is not advisable to sleep with your diffuser overnight unless you’re using high-quality essential oils.

10. Giveaway Unnecessary Things

Giveaway unnecessary things to have a lovely home

More clutter in your home means more work. Donate all the things you no longer use or don’t use regularly. If you don’t wanna donate you can put it on sale on websites like eBay and make a few pennies from the items you no longer use. Getting rid of things you no longers use is the best way to make more space in your home and reduces your work cleaning.

11. All Rooms Need To Be Decorated

All rooms need to be decorated to have a lovely home

A beautiful is not only about the beautiful sitting room or well-settled master bedrooms. All the rooms including kitchens and bathrooms need to be clean and well decorated to have a lovely home.

====== Conclusion=====

To have a lovely home you don’t have to stress yourself out. There are so many home decorating guides, home decorating ideas, and decorating tips on the internet. Feel free to browse and choose according to your styles and preferences.

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