11 Indoor Gardening Ideas At Home – Fairy Garden Ideas


Indoor gardening in your living space is probably one of the most fun ways and ideas to get your hands dirty and make your home feel like a real home. Had a dream garden on your mind however you don’t have enough outer space to make this from vision to reality? You don’t actually need spacious garden areas to have an amazing garden.

Creating an indoor garden is not an easy task for everyone especially if you’re a beginner. However, it’s not as complicated as you think. In fact, indoor gardening at home is easier than backyard gardening if you have creative ideas.

If you’re a newbie you can start it small with the help of garden kits, you can start an indoor vegetable garden by growing fresh herbs. You can have your indoor fairy garden without much effort.


11 Indoor fairy gardening Ideas at Home

  1. Grow Herbs in your kitchen
  2. Make use of utility cart
  3. Use Vertical gardens
  4. Grow a trailing plant
  5. Hanging terrariums
  6. Take advantage of the sunny window sill
  7. Pot plant
  8. Hanging Garden
  9. Garden Decor DIY
  10. Create a Living wall
  11. Hydroponic garden

1. Grow Herbs in your kitchen

Grow Herbs in your kitchen

Herbs can be grown inside your kitchen, growing your own herbs is addictive as you don’t need to rush into a grocery every time you need them. They are always in your reach and you get them fresh and 100% organic. You can have your herbs gardens without extra effort all you need is a small container or small flower pots and seeds of the herbs you want to grow.

2. Make use of utility cart

Make use of utility cart

Utility carts are one of the most convenient ideas and useful things you need at home when it comes to indoor gardening. With the help of a utility cart, you will be able to grow your plants easily inside your home, as you will have more space and have a well-organized indoor garden. [Learn about 27 Must Have Tools For All Gardening Enthusiast]

3. Use Vertical gardens

Use Vertical gardens

The benefits of a vertical garden are truly amazing. One of the best things about vertical gardening is it improves the air quality, as well as harvesting, is much easier. Not only that, vertical gardens take lesser space which automatically allows you to have more planting options and make your home look more welcoming and nature friendly.

4. Grow a trailing plant

Grow a trailing plant

Trailing plants are easy to grow and they can make your home look absolutely amazing. Trailing plants are known for their lush and wild vibe. Indoor plants can brighten up your home and are a great way to bring in nature. Trailing plants are easy to take care of. Moreover, they grow really well with just little light which makes them great option ideas for indoor gardening at home. [Read: Ideas To Decorate Outdoor Shed]

5. Hanging terrariums

Hanging terrariums - Indoor gardening ideas at home

Are you looking for something that is low maintenance, save space, and is simply elegant?

Terrariums garden is all you need, they are like mini gardens. You can easily make a Terrarium for yourself without spending extra bucks.

To make a small terrarium you’ll need:

  • A glass or a transparent plastic container
  • Moss or moss balls
  • Soil
  • Dwarf plants. Such as Air plants, zebra plants, Mother of Pearl, and Jade plants.

6. Take advantage of the sunny window sill

Take advantage of the sunny window sill

If you have a bright sunny window sill you can make use of it by starting your own indoor fairy gardens.

Natural light and sunny windows make it perfect to display trailing succulents and hanging plants. You can have a fresh herbs garden on your windowsil, as most herbs grow pretty well with minimal care. [Read about Solar Panels & How Does it Work On A House]

7. Pot plant

indoor gardening beginner at home ideas

To have an interesting indoor fairy garden you need to have pot plants. You can get affordable indoor pot plants online. Pot plants make it easy for indoor gardening at home.

8. Hanging Garden

indoor garden ideas for small spaces

Small space making you think you can’t do gardening? Well, you know what! you can still have an indoor fairy garden. Hanging gardens are pretty much like the art of dramatic greenery, you can hang all your favorite trailing plants according to your taste and style. Regardless of the indoor space you have, you can always have a beautiful hanging garden.

9. Garden Decor DIY

Garden Decor DIY

DIYs is unique, fun, and one of the easiest ways to decorate your garden that suits your personal style.

Homemade crafts are inexpensive and most of the time you can repurpose the old container, upcycled old tires as well as make your very own cute garden decorative items. DIY projects are perhaps the best ways to show off your creativity and recycle your old home supplies. [Also Read: Easy Craft Ideas To Decorate Your Home]

10. Create a Living wall

indoor garden ideas for small spaces

Green walls are becoming a trend in every apartment building and residential home in the USA. Before you install your green walls, think about the perfect location to place your living wall. Plants need natural light to grow so you need to place them in a place where they get a needed amount of sunlight directly or indirectly.

11. Hydroponic garden

Hydroponic gardening is ideal for indoor gardening at home. This gardening does not require soil to grow plants, with just nutrients and hydroponic fertilizer you can grow plants. Hydroponic gardening is easier and plants grown hydroponically are usually harvested sooner than the ones grew outdoor.

They are suitable for apartment building and metropolitan areas that do not have outdoor space for gardening.


17 Best indoor plants for your fairy gardens

  1. Snake plant
  2. Modern Bamboo
  3. Marble queen Pothos
  4. ZZ plants
  5. African Violet
  6. Lemon tree
  7. Juniper Bonsai
  8. Rubber Plants
  9. String of Pearls
  10. Sweetheart Plant
  11. Bird of Paradise
  12. Watermelon Peperomia
  13. Air Plant
  14. Peace Lily
  15. Split Leaf Philodendron
  16. Tradescantia
  17. Faux Succulent [1][2]


The Bottom line

A home without greenery is incomplete, indoor gardening is much more fun than outdoor gardening. As you look around you will find many houses that are filled with breathtaking greenery on every corner of their house. Indoor plants add nature vibes to your home, and the best thing about indoor gardening is you get to show off your gardening skills. Indoor gardening at home has never-ending options and ideas; you can grow your fresh herbs gardens, have a vertical garden, or grow a living wall.